It All Starts With A Decision

Let me ask you this:

  • Are you letting chaos and stress run your life
  • Do you feel so anxious that it is hard to function
  • Are you looking to achieve more out of your life
  • Does it feel like you are giving so much of yourself to so many that you are losing who YOU are
  • Is life challenging you so much that you are just about ready to give up

If you answered YES to any of the above first of all, know you are not alone. There are so many that suffer in silence. And also know that you must give yourself grace. We do the best we can with what we know.

But here’s the thing…when you know better you do better!

At Complete Zen Wellness, we teach you skills to help you deal with the ins and outs of your life in a very holistic way.

Through our courses, we share with you holistic ways to live a more balanced and centered life. Through challenges and workshops that will transform your way of thinking we guide you through your journey with compassion and integrity.

But you need to be ready and committed!

So often people sign up for coaching or workshops or events and feel good during and for a few weeks later (because they are running on excitement and adrenaline) and then fall right back into old habits because “life happens”. That will NOT happen here because you are supported and given so many resources to keep you going strong through this journey of transformation. But also know that this will take time. You won’t be the best version of yourself overnight or even in 30 or 60 days. While you will start to feel better in a relatively short amount of time, know this is a process full of ups and downs, twists and turns. And you may even question it all. But, if you are ready to go on this ride, I’m right there with you - supporting you all the way!

Let the next chapter of your life begin TODAY!

Hi, I’m Tina McGovern and I'm so excited you found Complete Zen Wellness!

When I started my personal development journey I honestly didn't have a set goal in mind. All I knew was I was tired of feeling stuck - stuck in life and stuck in my skin. I wasn't happy. I remember always feeling stressed, anxious and overwhelmed. I let so much consume me and carried weight that was not mine to carry.

Change is always hard, but staying stuck when knowing I was meant for more was also hard. So I had to make a choice as to what "hard" I was willing to live with.

After that decision my life changed for the better.

I learned about how all those years of stress was slowly killing my body. I learned about wellness of the mind, body and spirit.

I was introduced to Reiki and Meditation and a new door opened up I didn't even know was there.

My passion is now about sharing what I know and what I've learned with others...because so many people are suffering in silence but don't know WHAT to do or HOW to even begin.

That's why I am here. I want to be your personal guide on your journey to better health and wellness - your guide to live a more holistic and balanced life.

Will there be ups and downs along the way? ABSOLUTELY!

Will you want to quit and questions everything? ABSOLUTELY!

Will you continue to learn and persevere despite those setbacks? ABSOLUTELY!

And then you will have your own story or struggle and triumph to share with and inspire others.

I am truly honored to be a tiny part of your journey.