How often do you find yourself living life just by going through the motions? You feel rushed and it's as if time is just slipping by. Perhaps you even feel unconnected and stressed and anxious. But what if I told you... don't have to live life that way.

By becoming more mindful in what you do and are surrounded by every day, you will become more present in the moment. And when you become more present in any given moment of your life, your feelings of overwhelm will slowly diminish and you will find yourself becoming happier and more content.

That all sounds awesome, but change is hard for me.

Change is hard for everyone. Because when there is change of any kind it is fear of the unknown that dictates our feelings. But with this challenge you will be given daily tasks/challenges to focus on throughout the day. You will receive everything you need.

Then at the end of every week I will be coming to you via a private group to discuss anything you had difficulties with or celebrate all your successes.

This will truly be a team effort!

You've already taken the first step in changing your life. Now commit to yourself over the next 30 days and watch how much mindfulness can impact your life in a very positive way.

I am so happy you are ready to invest in yourself over the next 30 days!

Hi, I'm Tina McGovern and your instructor for this course. I am a Reiki Master, Meditation Instructor as well as Certified Canine Massage Therapist.

Mindfulness is something that has literally changed my life. But truth be told - it didn't come easy to me.

This was an area that I always seemed to struggle with, especially when I started on my personal journey. I wanted to always be in control of every situation and achieve every goal. I always had the end-game in sight but never really took time to consider or appreciate how I got there.

Because of that I always felt on edge and my patience was pretty much non-existent. I was absolutely just going through the motions of life and, as I look back, didn't appreciate all that I was going through.

But then almost 4 years ago now I started on a personal development journey and discovered Reiki and Meditation and myself.

I learned how powerful energy is and how we can change the trajectory of our life. We can sit still and just observe and we won't be missing out. On the contrary, we will be gaining so much more.

So this 30 Day Challenge will take you on a journey. A journey into discovering yourself and teach you how to live life more mindfully.

And when you do that, watch how your life changes for the better.


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